Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Jose Canseco on Hannity

I listened to Sean Hannity a bit last night. I like to hear this Catholic man's view of current events. Hannity has a Christian, if not a Biblical, worldview that allows him to see current events in a different perspective than the average national commentator.

He did an interview with Jose Canseco last night that I found revolting! First off, let me say right up front, I DID NOT read Canseco's new book Juiced. And I do not intend to read it. But Canseco came across as completely cold, arrogant and blantantly self absorbed. He talked about women throwing themselves at him and other professional athletes. He talked about repeated cheating on his wife and made little of the vows he has taken, multiple times by the way. He blew it off, simply saying "we're not perfect, we all have limbidos!." He willing admitted, yea even bragged about, using and abusing performance enhancing, ILLEGAL, steroids. He commented on the supposed rampant lack of integrity among his fellow players. He claims that he only personally knows one professional player that never cheated on his wife and never used steroids.

Jose, who are you hanging around? The issue is not that all baseball players cheat on their wives, just all the losers that Canseco hangs with! There are great guys in baseball. Go meet Travs Fryman and John Smoltz. There are stnad up men of integrity in the sport, Jose just doesn't like to hang around them.

I could not help, as I listened to this interview, to feel sorrow and grief in my gut for any woman Canseco has taken advantae of, any child he has fathered (and who knows how many their are), and any fan that actually still likes this guy. I can't stand him! He makes me sick!

But I love him! That's right! That is the heart of the gospel message after all, isn't it? Jesus died to save sinners, of whom I am chief. My lifestyle choices are markedly different from Jose Canseco's. But I am no less a sinner who has horribly offended the holiness of God! That is why Jesus had to bear the total wrath of God to pave a way for me to go to heaven someday.

We must remember to view the news and the people around with this in mind. "But for the grace God, that could be me!"

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