Friday, March 15, 2013

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Back to the Blogosphere I Go

At the Assembly of Christians, the little Reformed Baptist Church of which I am a member, we have recently begun a verse by verse study of 1 Peter.  I have the immense privilege of leading our study.  I don’t say “teaching” necessarily, because, more than any other class I have ever “taught,”  this class is truly a venue for us to “encourage one another.”  I get the greatest joy from leading this group of believers in our fellowship in the Word.  So many people are engaging the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach them.  People are experiencing the joy of personal discovery in the Word.  So our brief times together on Sunday mornings serve less as a unidirectional lesson and more as a venue for mutual teaching, admonition and education. 

We often find ourselves wanting to carry the discussion further than time will allow, so I have decided to reenter the blogosphere and utilize this space primarily as a forum for us to continue our discussions from our Sunday classes. 

At some point I will post a brief summary of what has transpired in my life and in my family since the last time I posted here (November 2005).  But we will save that for another day.  I will probably post other thoughts and articles as well.  I will likely even repost some of the older articles from back in 2005 to restart the conversation in the comment threads.  But the primary purpose of this space will be to discuss 1 Peter. 
So if you are part of the class with us on Sunday, please, please join in the discussions in the comment threads. If you are not, please feel free to still chime in.  We welcome all, and look forward to the conversations.

We are into Chapter 1, already at verses 13-21.  So I will post my outline of 1 Peter and few background and overview thoughts in the next post.  Then I will do a high level overview of verses 3-12.  At that time, we will begin to dig into the nuances of the current passage – the language, cross references, typology, grammar and theology of the verses.

If you are a first time visitor, feel free to take a look around the archives.  Perhaps you’ll find something challenging, encouraging or just little entertaining.  Glad you have come by.

Grace to you,

1 comment:

Phil Pfiester said...

He's baack!

I had been occasionally checking for new posts since 2005, but not in a long while. I'll be checking your blog out regularly in conjunction with our SS studies, but I don't how much I'll comment; I was obsessive about reading blogs back then, to the point where I did little else. The only one I still read semi-regularly is the Spurgeon Archive. ( and he hasn't posted for quite awhile! )

Thank you for taking the time to do this. It'll be great as a follow-up each week!