Friday, April 08, 2005

Evangelical Youth Ministry Leader Calls for “Protestants” to Be “Embracients”

More from the mushy, watered down, theologically-empty evangelical front! I just read this article with absolute disgust. It proves once again that most Protestants have no idea why they are Protestants. Maybe we don’t want to wear the tight collars or habits on our heads. Maybe we like a guitar at our worship services instead of candles (though that distinction in rapidly disappearing thanks to Brian MacClaren and the Emergent Church movement and the Charismatic inroads into the Catholic Church).

Did we forget the reason Martin Luther posted 95 disagreements with the Rome on the church door in Wittenberg in 1517? Is 500 years too long to remember? Apparently Mark Oestreigher of Youth Specialties either forgot, or found the Reformation unnecessary. Here are his comments on the division between Catholics and Protestants. “We protestants got our name because we're "protesters"—we were against some things in the Catholic church of that time. Unfortunately, that nexus has become part-and-parcel with who we have continued to be. If there's one thing that Protestants are really good at, it's not agreeing, it's reacting against (in protest) and starting something new.”

Actually, if the truth were to be told, “that nexus” of protesting “some things in the Catholic church of that time” has indeed not become “part and parcel with who we have continued to be.” That is the fundamental reason evangelicalism fails to have an eternal impact on our society. Evangelicalism as a whole has no theological distinction to speak of.

Anyway… read the whole mushy article from Mark Oestreicher, President of Youth Specialties here:

Did you catch his description of the false teachers of the Catholic parish in your neighborhood? “For all of us protestants (embracients!), this is a key point in history where we have the opportunity to embrace our Catholic brothers and sisters—our co-heirs in the church of Jesus Christ, fellow children of God.”

Let’s consider this thought being a “co-heir” and “fellow children of God.”

Romans 8.17 is where we discover the aspect of the grace of God that allows those who have be transformed by the sufficient, one-for-all sacrifice of Christ as “heirs of God and Joint heirs with Jesus Christ.” It is truly a profound thing that we sinners, both by nature and practice, will reign with Christ and be called “joint heirs” with Him. As those who have been regenerated by the faith alone in Christ alone we will be the heirs of the riches of the glory of God. This thought is closely connected to John 1.12-13, where we find that all those who receive the Him (that is Jesus), those who believe in His name (alone) have the right to called children of God. That means those who not trust in the name of Christ alone do not have the right to be called children of God.

These are very precious thought worthy of our mediation at some point. God allows us to be called his children, and as such, we are guaranteed the rights do children. We will be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ! Amazing thought for a sinner such as I!

However, when we begin to ascribe those salvific blessings to those who deny the sufficiency of the cross of Christ, we deny the very impact of the grace of God. Mr. Oestriecher apparently believes that even those who teach that grace comes through Mary, the Church, the Papacy and the Sacraments should be embraced and called “fellow children of God.” Is Mr. Oestreicher deliberately denying the cross himself? Or is he simply acquiescing to the ecumenical spirit that now defines the so called Evangelical movement?

Either way, my the grace of God be boldly proclaimed today in the face of such rampant ecumenism that by its very nature denies the fundamental gospel of the grace of God in Christ!

Grace to you!

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