Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Is God still speaking?

The United Church of Christ has used the motto "God is still speaking", calling it their "Nationwide Identity Campaign," for some time now. They put forth the concept that the worldwide community of believers is to be accepting and embracing of all mankind. They believe that the Scriptures are part of God's revelation, but that God continues to speak as culture and society change. The universal concepts of grace and acceptance must be understood in light of a changing culture and evolving societal norms.

With these concepts providing the framework for discussion, debate and decision, the UCC meeting in General Synod voted overwhelmingly for the recognition of "marriage equality." This is completely consistent with the denominations long standing support for the homosexual lifestyle choice. They ask each UCC church to consider adopting a Wedding Policy that does not discriminate against couples based on gender.

This should not surprise us at all. During a survey of the churches website, I found very few Scripture references; those I did find took quite a bit of creative exegesis to be used the way they were. This conclusion, and many like it, are the natural results of dismissing the authority of the Word of God. When anything replaces the final authority of God's will, as revealed in the Word, pragmatism reigns supreme. This decision to endorse, even encourage, gay marriage is not a major jump. It is the next logical step for a group that has systematically denied the authority of Scripture.

We must be careful to examine our ministry and worldview decisions. What is our authoritative source? Might it be history, backed by proof texting? Perhaps a genuine desire to see people saved, but without regard to the methodology that would line up with Scripture? Motives are not always bad! But sincerity must be directed by the authority of God's Word. You've heard the saying, "It's alright to be sincere, but you can be sincerely wrong!"

Let's be very careful not to replace the authority and sufficiency of the Word of God with pragmatism, historical precedent, or even good, gracious motives, lest we begin to slide down the slippery slope of humanism like the UCC.

As always... Grace to You!


Anonymous said...

It is interesting that those who believe in extra-biblical revelation always come up with "new revelation" that contradicts what we know to be revelation.

The UCC is a dying denomination. This is their attempt to draw in a segment of unchurched people that they hope will push up their numbers, but my gut is they will lose more people than they will gain. A friend of mine had attended a UCC church for 40 years, but just resigned 2 weeks ago over this very issue. She is now attending a fundamental Bible church. Something tells me the gay community, and their straight supporters, will not be crashing the church doors in large numbers, and will not make ideal church members.

Anonymous said...

Just remember that Jesus instructed us to Love Everyone,Jew or Gentile, gay, or straight! We are all sinners and their (homosexual peoples) sin is no greater than yours or mine! "Him who has not sinned cast the first stone..."

Anonymous said...


A biblical understanding of love would not be for the church to sanction something that God says is detestable. If we hate homosexuals, we would tell them that that are OK with God, and let them perish (if God's Word is true). On the other hand, if we love them we will say, "Hey, you're on a destructive path. Turn around and head another way.

Nothing I said would indicate that my sin is any less of a problem than that of gays. The church should not sanction my sin either.

It is true that one should not judge any other, gay or straight, from a self-righteous and hypocritical attitude. However, we are commanded to discern right from wrong and good fruit from bad. Look at Paul's judgment of a man who had taken his father's wife in I Cor. 5. Paul judged him from miles and miles away, based on second-hand information.

Love has to be biblical to really be love, and truth has to govern our tolerance.

Dave said...

Phil 1.9 indicates how Paul wants our love to abound... "with knowledge and all discernment." Truth and Wisdom, in other words, are the banks that guide our river of love.

I know and love people that are gay, just like I know people who are living with people out of wedlock. I know people who use destructive language. I know and love people who are selfish. I am myself tend to be very arrogant and prideful. I live in the real world. I interact with lost people EVERYDAY. I don't just hide in my office and through darts.

To really love these people, we must, under the authority of God's Word, confront their sin and give them hope.

For one to enable their sin, as Dr. Hall has said above, would be the most unloving thing possible.

BY THE WAY, does anyone have an opinion on anonymous comments? I have been giving consideration to disallowing anonymous comments. I like the interaction, but I don't let people hide behind their comments. Opinions?

Anonymous said...

Let anon keep commenting. I love hearing opposite opinions.