Monday, June 27, 2005

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

Desiring to speak with respect and honor towards one who has gone before me in both depth and scope of ministry, I submit my concern over Rev. Billy Graham's embrace of the Clintons at his crusade in New York this past weekend. Clearly Rev. Graham's comments regarding Mr. Clinton becoming an evangelist and Mrs. Clinton running the country were tongue in cheek; however, what wisdom and discernment are demostrated in publically embracing a couple who stands for the antithesis of evangelical Christianity? By their words and legislative legacy, the Clinton's embrace gay marriage, abortion on demand, many other cultural sins that should give us concern.

This is not a partisan attack, or even a political statement. I would be as equally concerned if a local New York city liberal pastor that denied the authority of the Word of God were the one embracing Mr. Graham. However, the highly public positions of the Clinton's do raise the level of concern. Whatever happened to so-called Evangelical leaders providing genuine Biblical leadership? What about offering good, wise examples to our churches as heroes of the faith? I addressed these same concerns over Dr. Mohler's choice to not distance himself from evangelicals lauding the legacy of Pope John Paul II. (See posts The Burden of Leadership and Standing in the Tradition of Luther.)

Do evangelists and theologians not care about the gospel? Surely they do, so how does one embrace someone who has "a form of godliness but denies the power thereof?" Just because someone can talk a good talk, should place them on a platform and embrace them as "good people?"

I haven't yet done a fraction of the ministry that Rev. Graham has. I desire to be respectful of his age and experience, but his lack of discernment in this highly public venue is rather disconcerting. Any thoughts...

Grace to You!

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